WHEREAS at a Public Meeting held on Tuesday the 16th day of June 1959 in the TOWN Hall at ASHBY-DE-LA-ZOUCH in the County of Leicester England it was decided to invite the citizens of the town of PITHIVIERS in the Department of Loiret in the Republic of France to link with the citizens of ASHBY-DE-LA-ZOUCH in a bond of friendship and understanding AND
WHEREAS at a Public Meeting held on Monday the 26th day of October 1959 in the MAIRIE at PITHIVIERS the citizens of Pithiviers accepted the invitation to link with the citizens of Ashby-de-la-Zouch
BE IT KNOWN that the Councils of Ashby-de-la-Zouch and Pithiviers do hereby formally record their agreement to the TWINNING of their two towns as aforesaid IN RATIFICATION HEREOF WE Marcel Piquemal Mayor of Pithiviers and Charles Reginald Harvey Chairman of the Urban District Council of Ashby-de-la-Zouch being met together this 18th day of June 1960 for the purpose to append our signatures to this Protocole d’Amitie hereafter to be known as the Charter of Ashby-de-la-Zouch and Pithiviers whereby the citizens of our two towns may henceforth be encouraged to develop among them all interests and exchanges cultural linguistic touristic social and other as may further such friendship and mutual understanding.
Signed in Ashby-de-la-Zouch, 18th June, 1960.
The name of this organisation shall be the “Ashby-de-la-Zouch/Pithiviers Town Twinning Association” (hereafter referred to as “the Association”).

In the spirit of the Charter of Ashby-de-la-Zouch and Pithiviers, signed in 1960, the aims of the Association are:-

to further education about and knowledge of French language and culture among members of all ages and in the community at large,

to promote friendship and understanding between the citizens of Pithiviers and Ashby-de-la-Zouch

to encourage exchanges of all kinds between the citizens of the two communities and generally to develop and promote European co-operation.

Membership of the Association shall be open to any individual or group as designated below and subject to payment of the subscription determined by the Association at its Annual General Meeting and adherence to the statements and policies included within the bylaws. All members shall be issued with a copy of this constitution and bylaws.

(a) Individual Membership
(b) Family Membership
Covering parent(s)/guardian(s) and children under the age of 18 years living at the same address.
(c) Group Membership
Covering any group or association, which wishes to affiliate to the Association and share its objectives.
(d) Junior Membership
Covering a child under the age of 18 years, who wishes to join as an individual at a reduced rate.
(e) Honorary Life Membership
The Executive Committee shall have the power to grant Honorary Life Membership to a member who has provided the Association with exceptional service.
(f) Honorary Annual Membership
The Executive Committee shall have the power to grant Honorary Annual Membership to any person from Pithiviers or its locality, who is temporarily resident in Ashby-de-la-Zouch for a period of not more than 12 months.

Cessation of Membership
The membership of any person or group may be terminated by the Executive Committee on being satisfied that the policy or conduct of that person or group is at variance with the objectives of the Association as set out in clause 2. The person or group concerned shall, after reasonable notice, be given an opportunity to appear before the Executive Committee to state their case. The decision of the Executive Committee may be appealed to a General Meeting of the Association.

(a) Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held each year in November.
The Secretary shall convene the meeting, in writing, at least 28 days before the date it is due. Nominations for the committee members and officers of the Association and any proposals or Constitutional Amendments to be put to the Annual General Meeting must be received by the Secretary no later than 21 days before the meeting date. The Secretary shall then circulate all members in writing with proposals, Constitutional Amendments and nominations no later than 14 days before the meeting date.
In the case of contested elections, voting shall be by secret ballot. A simple majority shall decide. Members in good standing unable to attend the meeting may exercise a postal vote, which must be received by the Secretary before the start of the meeting. This option shall not apply to proposals or amendments to be voted upon.
In the absence of sufficient nominations to fill the vacancy for officers and/or Executive Committee members before the Annual General Meeting the Chairman at the meeting may accept nominations, duly seconded.
The Annual General Meeting shall determine the level of subscription for membership of the Association to take effect at the commencement of the Association’s next Financial Year on the first day of September.
The Annual General Meeting shall also make the necessary appointment to audit the accounts of the Association.

(b) Extraordinary General Meetings
An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened by the Secretary on a written request being received from at least 10 members in good standing of the Association for a clearly specified purpose. The Secretary shall convene the meeting, in writing, stating its purpose, at least 28 days before it is due.

At General Meetings those eligible to vote shall be fully paid-up members of the Association at the time of the meeting and subject to the following voting rights:
Individual Membership: 1 vote per member.
Family Membership: 2 votes, which may be cast by any 2 family members.
Group Membership: 2 votes per affiliated group.
Junior Membership: Ineligible to vote.
Honorary Life Membership: 1 vote per member.
Honorary Annual Membership: Ineligible to vote.
One sixth of those eligible to vote shall constitute a quorum. The Chairman shall have a casting vote.

(c) Executive Committee Meetings
The Executive Committee shall meet at least 6 times per year and 6 members, at least 2 of whom shall be elected officers, shall constitute a quorum. In the absence of the Associati on Chair or Vice-Chair from a meeting, members attending shall elect one of their number to chair that meeting, only.

(a) The Officers of the Association
The elected officers of the Association shall be a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Membership Secretary, all of whom shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. In the event of no nomination being received for Membership Secretary, this role shall be combined with that of Secretary of the Association. The Association may appoint an Honorary President at the Annual General Meeting upon the recommendation of the Executive Committee. He/she shall be a full member of the Executive Committee.
(b) Term of Office
The term of office of elected officers and members of the Executive Committee shall be from one Annual General Meeting to the next.
(c) Vacancies
The Committee shall have power to co-opt members of the Association to fill any vacancy or vacancies left after an Annual General Meeting in respect of Officers or members of the Committee. This power may be exercised at any time before the ensuing Annual General Meeting.
The Committee shall have no further power to co-opt, but may invite any person, whether member of the Association or not, to attend specific Committee meetings. With the leave of the chairman of the meeting, such person may address the meeting and take part in discussion but shall have no vote.
If any officer or Executive Committee Member resigns or ceases to be a member of the Association, the Executive Committee may appoint a suitably qualified member to fill the vacancy for the unexpired portion of the term of office by a simple majority of those present and voting.

(d) The Executive Committee
The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall elect officers, who shall be ex-officio members of the Executive Committee. It shall also elect not more than 10 ordinary Executive Committee members.
The Association delegates to the Executive committee powers to discharge the day-to-day business of the Association.
The Executive Committee may form sub-committees and working parties as it deems appropriate to which it may co-opt additional people with relevant expertise.
The Executive Committee shall exercise general control over all officers, sub-committees and working parties of the Association.
The Executive Committee shall lay down the objectives and any delegated powers of any sub-committee or working party it establishes and such subordinate body shall report to the Executive Committee at its next meeting, thereafter.

The Financial Year of the Association shall be from the first day of September to the last day of August.
The Treasurer shall collect all money due to the Association and lodge it intact to the credit of the banking account specified by the Executive Committee.
The Treasurer may hold a Petty Cash Account, the maximum value of which shall be determined from time to time by the Executive Committee. Payments made by cheque shall be signed by 2 elected officers of the Association.
The Treasurer shall prepare a Statement of Accounts annually, as at the end of August. An audit of accounts shall be made annually by a suitably qualified Auditor appointed by the Association in General Meeting.
Wherever possible, the biennial delegation to Pithiviers should be self-financing with visit costs being shared by all those who participate in the visit, whether travelling with the “official” group or independently, in any way agreed by the executive committee. In exceptional circumstances, to ensure the visit is able to take place, the Executive Committee has the power to cap the maximum cost per participant with any balance being payable through Association funds.

(a) Compliance
Every member, on joining the Association, accepts the principles and objectives laid down in the Charter of Ashby-de-la-Zouch and Pithiviers and agrees to be bound by the Constitution and bylaws of the Association.
(b) Amendments
Amendments to this Constitution can only be made at a General Meeting of the Association. Any amendment, to be effective, must be agreed by at least two thirds of the members present. No amendment shall be discussed or voted upon unless notice has been given to members in writing at least 14 days before the General Meeting. Amendments to the bylaws will be made by the Executive Committee. All amendments must be circulated to all members within 60 days of being agreed by unanimous or majority decision at an Executive Committee meeting.

The Association may be dissolved by an Extraordinary General Meeting, duly convened for that purpose and of which at least 28 days notice in writing has been given to members PROVIDED that, on a motion to that effect, being duly moved and seconded, it shall be passed by the votes of not less than two thirds of the members present. Such meeting shall also consider the disbursement of any residual funds and/or settlement of any outstanding debts. HOWEVER, any such disbursement shall be made only for a purpose in pursuance of the aims and objectives of the Charter of Ashby-de-la-Zouch and Pithiviers, as laid down in clause 2 of this Constitution

[Passed at the Annual General Meeting of the Association November, 2002 and duly amended at subsequent Annual General Meetings of the Association in Nov, 2005, Nov 2010, Nov 2012, Nov 2017, Nov 2018, Nov 2022 and Nov 2024]
The Ashby-de-la-Zouch/Pithiviers Town Twinning Association is committed to promoting equality of opportunity for everyone in all its activities.

The Ashby-de-la-Zouch/Pithiviers Town Twinning Association is committed to taking all practical steps to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all its members and all persons likely to be affected by its activities.

The Ashby-de-la-Zouch/Pithiviers Town Twinning Association acknowledges its duty of care to safeguard the welfare of all young people and vulnerable adults involved in Association activities. We take responsibility for protecting all young people and vulnerable adults, whatever their age, culture, disability, gender, language, ethnic origin and religious beliefs from abuse in any Association activities.
Safeguarding Aims
To provide young people and vulnerable adults with a safe environment whilst they participate in Association activities to allow them to derive full enjoyment from doing so.
The welfare of young people and vulnerable adults is paramount.
All suspicions and allegations of abuse and poor practice will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly by a small sub-group of the Executive Committee who will report concerns to the appropriate authority

As part of its research into putting together this policy, the Ashby-de-la-Zouch/Pithiviers Town Twinning Association confirmed that as a small organisation “who only process personal data for judicial functions, to maintain a public register or for domestic or recreational reasons” we are exempt from registering with the Information Commissioners Office. We do, however, have to comply with legislation.  The following policy enables us to operate legally within the new General Data Protection Regulations 2018.
  •  Membership Records
  • Ashby-de-la-Zouch/Pithiviers Town Twinning Association obtains contact details e.g. names, addresses, ‘phone numbers and, where applicable, email addresses for all members when they join the Association. This data is obtained, stored and processed solely to assist the Association in its efficient operation.
    Personal details supplied by members are not passed to anyone else or other organisations without explicit consent of the member.
    Only relevant personnel of Ashby-de-la-Zouch/Pithiviers Town Twinning Association have access to members’ personal data e.g. officers and committee members in relation to Association activities. They will store paper records only within their own home and all records kept on computer are password protected.
    Members will be supplied with a copy of any of their personal data held by Ashby-de-la-Zouch/Pithiviers Town Twinning Association if a written request is made.
    Members are expected to notify the membership secretary of any changes to their contact details as and when they occur, and the membership secretary will up-date the database accordingly.
    Personal Data will be stored only for as long as the member is a member of Ashby-de-la-Zouch/Pithiviers Town Twinning Association. Twelve months after membership has elapsed, or upon written request if sooner, all Personal Data held by Ashby-de-la-Zouch/Pithiviers Town Twinning Association on the member will be destroyed and/or deleted.

    Use of Photographs
    As part of its promotion and recording of activities, the Ashby-de-la-Zouch/Pithiviers Town Twinning Association takes photos.  Some of these are used within its newsletter, on its web-site and in other promotional material.  Members will be regularly reminded that this is the case. Anyone who objects to their photo being used is asked to advise a member of the Executive Committee.  Their wish will be reported to the Executive Committee and thereafter every effort will be made to exclude that member’s image from any publication.   
    • Visit Information
  • The Association will seek additional information from members wishing to host French visitors or participate in the visit to France.  This information is requested to assist the Association in finding a suitable host/visitor and may include such information as pets and smokers in the household, special dietary, allergy or medical situations which host/visitor needs to be aware of.  This information will be shared with the hosting committee in Pithiviers.  Where the information concerned is of a personal/sensitive nature, the member may discuss the matter in confidence with a member of the hosting sub-committee. That sub-committee member must ensure the data subject’s wishes are clearly understood and complied with regarding how the information is used.
    Data collected for the purpose of matching families with visitors/hosts will be destroyed immediately after the visit for which the information was collected. For the benefit of all participants, a full hosting list is produced and circulated to all attendees – data subjects will be given the chance to opt out of inclusion on this list
    Use of Photographs
    As above – but equally relevant for our French visitors/hosts.