The Twinning Charter between the towns of Ashby-de-la-Zouch in Leicestershire, England and Pithiviers in Loiret, France was signed in June, 1960 at Ashby-de-la-Zouch and the following year in Pithiviers.

New Title

Ashby-de-la-Zouch is twinned with the town of Pithiviers in the department of the Loiret in France, situated about 30 miles north of Orleans and 50 miles south of Paris.
The Twinning Association was founded in 1960 when the two town councils signed the Twinning Charter and it continues to flourish today. Its objectives are:
  • To further education about and knowledge of French language and culture among members of all ages and in the community at large
  • To promote friendship and understanding between the citizens of Pithiviers and Ashby-de-la-Zouch
  • To encourage exchanges of all kinds between the citizens of the two communities and generally to develop and promote European co-operation.
This it seeks to achieve by a variety of means, the most important of which is an exchange, each year, in alternate directions when a party from one town visits the other and stays en famille with members of its twinned association; an activity which has now taken place continuously for over 60 years.
Other exchanges are also arranged for specific groups and these have already included various sports teams, Rotary and Round Table, bridge Clubs, choirs and musicians. In the past there was also a yearly exchange in both directions by local school children and, although this has been discontinued the Association is currently in process of re-establishing inter-school links.
Many of the contacts made on these exchanges have proved to be life-long friendships and the citizens of one town often comment on the feeling of “coming home”, when visiting the other.
The Association always welcomes new members interested in fostering Franco-British friendship and you are cordially invited to contact us by e-mail at:
To see a video of the original Charter Signing scroll through the pictures on the right.
Chair:                                  Elaine Shaw            e-mail
Vice-Chair:                         Geoff Cort      
Secretary:                           Ann Shilton              e-mail
Treasurer:                           Kurt Kovach             e-mail:
Membership Sec.:              Anne Donegan        e-mail:

Committee Members:
Shân Dyer
Wendy Fry
Lynda Kovach
Clive Oakman
Tom Redfern
Jane Weir
John Weir

Town Council Representative:      Cllr. Liz Parle

Below is the plan for our forthcoming social and fund-raising events

Saturday, 22nd March :        Panel Games @ St. Helen’s Heritage Centre. (Booking form below).
Sunday, 13th April:                “I Spy Ashby” starting @ Cort’s home.
Saturday, 17th May :             Silly Games.
12th-17th June:                     Visit to Pithiviers.
Monday, 23rd June :             Croquet Evening @ Moira.
Saturday, 12th July:              Bastille Day Pétanque @ the Belper Arms, Newton Burgoland.
Sunday, 17th August:            Picnic “Chez Cort” @ Pat & Geoff’s, Ashby.
Friday, 19th September:        Quiz @ Ivanhoe Social Club.
October:                                 Gateaux Festival.

Please note that events (particularly later ones) may be subject to alteration but will be regularly updated in the newsletter, this website and our Facebook page.

Below are details of membership of the Association. An Application Form may be requested via the Contact Form

Of course, we are always delighted to welcome new members. Membership of the Association is open to any individual or group as shown below and subject to payment of the current subscription.


(a) Individual Membership

(b) Family Membership
Covering parent(s)/guardian(s) and children under the age of 18 years living at the same address
(c) Group Membership
Covering any group or association, which wishes to affiliate to the Association and share its objectives.

(d) Junior Membership
Covering a child under the age of 18 years, who wishes to join as an individual at a reduced rate.

(e) Honorary Life Membership
The Executive Committee can grant Honorary Life Membership to a member who has provided the Association with exceptional service.

(f) Honorary Annual Membership
The Executive Committee can grant Honorary Annual Membership to any person from Pithiviers or its locality, who is temporarily resident in Ashby-de-la-Zouch for a period of not more than 12 months.

Annual Membership Subscription Rates:

Individual: £15.00           Family: £25.00           Group: £25.00           Junior: £1.00

If you are interested in joining us or simply want more information, please complete and return  a Contact Form to us.

Please feel free to get in touch for any further information or to ask for a Membership Application